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Russian Language specific
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Applications and Utilities: Showing

kde-i18n-uk-2.2.2 - An Ukrainiain localized messages for KDE2

At FreeBSD Ports

uk-pine-4.33 - Tune Pine for Ukrainian (KOI8-U) defaults

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Lingua-RU-Charset-0.02 - Perl extension for detecting and converting various russian character sets

At FreeBSD Ports

ru-xcode-1.0 - Auto detect encoding and convert to koi8, CP-1251 or cp866

At FreeBSD Ports

ru-ispell-1.0_1 - Russian (KOI8-R) dictionary for ISPELL

At FreeBSD Ports

ru-cyrproxy-1.4.2 - Cyrillic proxy for network protocols

At FreeBSD Ports

ru-d1489-1.4 - Cp866<->koi8-r and cp1251<->koi8-r decoders and font converter acc. to RFC1489

At FreeBSD Ports

ko-elm-2.4h4.1 - ELM Mail User Agent, patched for Korean E-Mail

At FreeBSD Ports
ru-elm-2.4ME - Tune Elm with MIME for KOI8-R defaults (At FreeBSD Ports)
elm-2.5.5_2 - A once-popular mail user agent, version 2.5.x (At FreeBSD Ports)
elm-2.4ME+66.tgz - a once-popular mail user agent (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
elm-2.4me78 - ELM Mail User Agent (At NetBSD packages collection)
elm - ELM mail system (At comp.sources.unix at ISC)
elm - Elm mail system, release 2.2 (At comp.sources.unix at ISC)
elm - the mail reader, patch level 25 (At comp.sources.unix at ISC)
elm2elm - ELM Mail System (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)
elm2.2elm - Elm mail system, release 2.2 (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)
elm - Elm mail system (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)

ru-netscape-4.7 - Tune netscape4 to work with russian (koi8-r) fonts

At FreeBSD Ports
netscape-communicator-4.07.us - netscape ver 4 communicator w/US strong encryption. (At FreeBSD Ports)
ko-netscape-3.04 - Netscape-3.01 web-surfboard (international version, Korean) (At FreeBSD Ports)
ja-netscape-fonts-1.0 - Japanese Font Setup for Netscape Browsers (At FreeBSD Ports)
ja-netscape-3.04 - Japanese support for Netscape Navigator 3 (At FreeBSD Ports)
netscape-navigator-4.08 - netscape ver 4 navigator web-surfboard (At FreeBSD Ports)
netscape-3.04 - Netscape ver 3 web-surfboard (At FreeBSD Ports)
netscape-4.77 - Open new communicator or navigator window (At NetBSD packages collection)

ru-X11-3.3 - Setup X locale/nls/keyboard/fonts for russian language (koi8-r)

At FreeBSD Ports

Russian Now! 9.0

Instant Immersion Russian 2 CD-ROM Set (Jewel Case)

xcyrillic-2.0.tgz - setup X11 fonts for russian language (koi8-r)

At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386
xcyrillic-1.1.tgz (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
http://www.openbsd.org/2.8_packages/sparc/xcyrillic-2.0.tgz-long.html (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)

Pine - Tool for reading,sending, and managing electronic messages {free to use but restricted}

ko-pine-3.96k.3 - Program for Internet E-mail(Korean) and News (At FreeBSD Ports)
ja-pine-3.96 - Program for Internet News and E-mail with Japanese Support (At FreeBSD Ports)
ru-pine-4.21 - Tune Pine for Russian (KOI8-R) defaults (At FreeBSD Ports)
iw-pine- - PINE(tm) -- a Program for Internet News & Email (At FreeBSD Ports)
pine-4.44 - PINE(tm) -- a Program for Internet News & Email (At FreeBSD Ports)
pine-4.33 - Program for Internet E-mail and News (At NetBSD packages collection)
(Info at freshmeat)

Libraries and Components: Showing

gd - A library used to create GIF images {OpenSource}

ru-gd-1.8.2 - Graphics library for fast PNG creation (uses fonts in KOI8-R encoding) (At FreeBSD Ports)
gd-1.8.3 - graphics library for fast PNG creation (At NetBSD packages collection)
(Info at freshmeat)

Libraries and Functions

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Related Subjects (default selections)

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Up to: Message Catalogs/Local language adaptations - Message catalogs, local language adaptations. error message tables, etc.

(There may be additional related subject pages listed here)

External Categories

Russian - - Ported software for the Russian market.

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