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3D Action Games - Games with a 3 dimensional game field
FLT - OpenFlight Scene description Database Files v14.2.4 (Acrobat)
PAK - Quake PAK Format
Doom/Doom II/Heretic/Hexen/Strife recorded games (LMP )
Quake II recorded game format (DM2 )
Quake/Hexen II .DEM file format
Innovative Computing Powers Theme Park Adventures ( Michael Macedonia ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-02)
Forging a New Simulation Technology at the ICT ( Richard Lindheim, William Swartout ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-01)
The Wild World of 3D Graphics Chips ( George Lawton ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2000-09)
Using Technology and Innovation to Simulate Daily Life ( Michael Macedonia ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2000-04)
Using Immersive Virtual Environments for Certification ( Carolina Cruz-Neira, Robyn R. Lutz ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-07)
Architectural Design of a Common Operating Environment ( Shawn Butler, David Diskin, Norman Howes, Kathleen Jordan ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-11)
3D User Interfaces for General-Purpose 3D Animation ( Jean-Francis Balaguer, Enrico Gobbetti ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1996-08)
Virtual Reality and Parallel Systems Performance Analysis ( Daniel A. Reed, Keith A. Shields, Will H. Scullin, Luis F. Tavera, Christopher L. Elford ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-11)
Virtual Reality: In the Mind of the Beholder: ( David R. Pratt, Michael Zyda, Kristen Kelleher ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Immersive Research Environment ( Jon Kuhl, Douglas Evans, Yiannis Papelis, Richard Romano, Ginger Watson ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
Automating the Construction of Large-Scale Virtual Worlds ( Michael F. Polis, Stephen J. Gifford, David M. McKeown Jr. ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
International Survey: Virtual-Environment Research ( Duane K. Boman ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-06)
Virtual reality on a budget ( Bob Nagel, Ted Kubik ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-04)
Volume models for volumetric data ( Vishwa Ranjan, Alain Fournier ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-07)
Three Views of Virtual Reality: An Overview ( ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1993-02)
Compiling Quake3 VM Code in Linux? [2001/12/10]
Mapping Techniques for (3D) Games? [2001/05/30]
What Does The Future Hold For 3D Myst-ery Games? [ 2000/07/28]
BW-Admin DLL - Bot Detection & Admin Plug-In DLL for Quake2 & KingPing {oss}
Quest - Quest is a powerful, cross-platform, 3d map editor for Quake and Quake-based games, supporting among others Quake 1-3, Halflife and Sin. {(L)GPL}
Marathon: Aleph One - Aleph One is a 3D first-person shooter game, based on the game Marathon 2 by Bungie Software. Aleph One/MacOS evolved out of the original MacOS sources, Aleph One/SDL is a port to the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) API. {(L)GPL}
LxDoom - LxDoom is a version of the classic fps game Doom by id Software. Specifically, it's an engine for playing Doom levels, based on the source code released by id Software. It aims to be free, reliable, portable, and support a wide range of levels. {(L)GPL}
Litte Movie Processing Centre - LMPC is a tool to manipulate games recordings (demos). Supported games are DOOM, DOOM ][, Heretic, Hexen, DukeNukem3D, Redneck Rampage, Quake, QuakeWorld, and Quake2. We hope to include soon Half-Life and Daikatana. {(L)GPL}
HLmaps - HLmaps is a Perl/CGI script forHalf-Life game servers running on Linux or FreeBSD. It allows web site visitors to view all the loaded maps, screen shots, download links and some file statistics in a nice, sortable table format. {(L)GPL}
DooM Legacy - This is one of the most popular Doom source port. It's available for DOS, Win32, Linux, OS/2 and MacOS and we hope to make a BeOS as well as an sgi version soon. It enhances Doom with a lot of things like TCP/IP, OpenGL and much more. {(L)GPL}
BSP - BSP is the de facto standard node builder for the classic 3D shoot'em'up Doom. {BSD-like}
tuxkart-0.0.6 - An OpenGL action kart racing game
vertex-0.1.6 - A 3D modeller designed specifically for generating efficient game models
rtcw-1.1b - Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Linux
rtcw-paks-1.0 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Linux .pk3 files
q3ded-1.31 - Quake III Arena Dedicated Server for Linux
sdlmm-0.1.8 - A C++ Wrapper for the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
gno3dtet-1.6.4 - GNOME version of the classic 3D-ified T*tris
gracer-0.1.5 - A 3D motor sport simulator
tuxracer-0.61 - A 3d penguin racing game using OpenGL
xinvaders3d-1.3.6 - 3D Vector-graphics Space Invaders clone for X
xracer-0.94 - Awesome WipeOut clone for OpenGL and X11!
battleball-2.1 - 3D single/multiplayer military soccer game for X Window System
glasteroids-1.0 - 3D Asteroids game for X Window System
linux-q3ademo-1.11.6_1 - Linux 3d shooter from id Software / Loki Software (demo version)
nadar-1.0 - A network tank battle game
FlightGear-0.6.1 - The FlightGear flight simulator
xscorch-0.1.14 - Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
gnomegames- - The game applications package for the Gnome Desktop Environment
quakeserver-1.0 - a server to host Quake network games under FreeBSD.
qcc-1.01 - The QuakeC compiler, for building custom games of Quake.
xbl-1.0k - A 3D block-dropping game
3dpong-0.4 - X Window 3D Pong game for 1 or 2 players with a ball and paddles
the Rabbit Run machinima engine - the Rabbit Run is a piece of machinima currently in production by part of the Quake done Quick team. We are making modifications to the Quake1 engine so as to enable particular audio and video effects in the resulting playback engine. {(L)GPL}
XQF - QuakeWorld/Quake2 server browser and launcher for Linux/X11 {x,GPL}
QuakeLaunch - Console application to grab Quake servers from master servers {GPL}
Golgotha Forever - 3D FPS/strategy game that will be available on nearly platform/OS. {x,OpenSource}
The Guild - A fully 3d-rendered/raytraced first-person interactive adventure {x,GPL}
Obsidian - OpenSource 3D network game for Linux and SGI {Artistic}
DUMB - A 3D game engine, reminiscent of id software's Doom {GPL}
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Mac)
Spider-Man: The Movie for PlayStation2
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Snap on Gearhead Garage / Sprint Car Racing (Jewel Case)
Battle for Midway: Expansion for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 1 & 2
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Harley Davidson: Race Across America (Jewel Case)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein in Limited Edition Collector's Tin
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Standard
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Professional
3-D Ultra Radio Control Racers Deluxe: Traxxas Edition
Dirt Track Racing: Sprint Cars
Combat Flight Simulator 2: Pacific Theater
Sierra Sports: Grand Prix Legends
Q2Java - Allows Quake2 games to be written in Java {free for non-commercial use}
Clan Arena_D - QuakeWorld modification.
gpak - GPak is a utility to extract files contained in Quake II PAK-files. [X] {GPL}
QW/Q2 MasterBrowser - QuakeWorld and Quake2 Master Server {Freeware}
QconsoleD - Quake console server {GPL}
QuakeWorld client/server - An Internet multi-player specific version of Quake {free to use but restricted}
Linux Quake Howto - Install, run and troubleshoot Quake,QuakeWorld &Quake 2 under Linux {freely distributable}
Enter3D Project - Large-scale multiuser persistent real-time 3D world [X] {GPL}
Maelstrom - Excellent 'Asteroids' type game with sound, 3D objects, and more [X] {Freeware}
Bzflag - 3D multiplayer tank battle game {x,free for non-commercial use}
IBCM3D [X] {unknown}
Unreal Tournament Open Source Project - Open source libraries, executables, and tools relevant to the Unreal Tournament engine. This project will focus on improving the quality of the UT Linux port through open development as well as creating a community of open UT engine developers. {oss}
PLIB - PLIB is a set of libraries that are designed to help developers of interactive 3D applications such as games. All PLIB libraries are portable to just about every modern Operating System. PLIB includes OpenGL GUI and scene graph, portable audio, portabl {(L)GPL}
ruby-sdl-0.7 - Ruby extension library to use SDL library
ruby-rudl-0.4 - A high level library to use SDL from Ruby
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
Multi-Player drama - Multiple players acting in a virtual game world, (MUDs, et al)
See also Process Limits - Permission and access restriction (files, resources, etc)
Up to Activity specific - Gateway topic to software used in specific activities. (application software, business, professional, science, education, etc.)
Realtime - Systems which must react within time constraints.
Real-Time Conferencing - real-time (multi-directional) discussion and data transfer, including Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Internet Phone, Videoconferencing
3D graphics - Graphic output of 3D data, modelling, ray tracing, scene rendering, et al
Recreation - games, hobbies, sports
Bit-strings - Data structures implementing bit vectors, bit arrays
Video and Multimedia - animations, movies, animated GIFs, et al.
Text Games - Puzzles and Games without graphical images, just text
Card Games - Games played with a deck of cards
Board Games - Games played on a 2 dimensional game board
Turn by Turn Games - Games where players take turns, no realtime response is required
Chance Games - Games with the outcome decided solely by random chance
Puzzle Games - Games requiring logic and thinking
Action Games - Games with realtime response
External Categories |
freshmeat.net : Topic : Games/Entertainment : First Person Shooters
Games - - Various and sundry amusements.
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/kde-apps/games/ - games for kde
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/games/ - Games that run under X
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/games/amusements/ - not really games, but fun anyway
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/games/ - fun ways to waste time
Computers : Data Formats : Games :
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