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Software Measurement and Metrics

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Books: Showing

IT Measurement: Practical Advice from the Experts
[International Function Point Users Group, et al; 2002-04-17] ISBN 020174158X
- At Barnes & Noble - At Amazon - At Half

Practical Software Measurement: Objective Information for Decision Makers
[John McGarry, et al; 2001-10-15] ISBN 0201715163
- At Barnes & Noble - At Amazon - At Half

Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, Revised
[Norman E. Fenton, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger; 1998-02-24] ISBN 0534954251
- At Barnes & Noble - At Amazon - At Half

Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process Improvement
[Robert B. Grady; 1992-05] ISBN 0137203845
- At Barnes & Noble - At Amazon - At Half

Applied Software Measurement : Assuring Productivity and Quality (Software Engineering Series)
[Capers Jones, T. Capers Jones; 1991-07] ISBN 0070328137
- At Barnes & Noble - At Amazon - At Half

Articles: Showing

Collecting and Analyzing Web-Based Project Metrics ( Rob Pooley, Dave Senior, Duncan Christie ; IEEE Software Magazine 2002-01)

- Metrics generated from real project data provide a valuable tool for evaluating and guiding performance. The authors describe their experience developing a Web-based project metrics system and encouraging its adoption. They also examine how such a system might encourage the adoption of metrics within a company.

Implementing a Software Metrics Program at Nokia ( Tapani Kilpi ; IEEE Software Magazine 2001-11)

- Model solutions for implementing a measurement program do not always fit an organization without tailoring. The sizes and maturities of the processes vary from organization to organization. In an organization with mature software processes, carefully adjusting the created solution for a measurement program to the environment-specific needs and options can save considerable effort. This article demonstrates the real-world application of the Nokiaway software metrics program and how it benefited in its divergence from a typical Goal-Question-Metric approach.

What Makes Measuring Software So Hard? ( Stan Rifkin ; IEEE Software Magazine 2001-05)

- Implementing software measurement can be difficult if an organization's market strategy fails to align with traditional measurements. The author points out the need to understand an organization's strategic objectives and then tailor its measurement practices to fit.

Software Engineering Metrics for COTS-Based Systems ( Sahra Sedigh-Ali, Arif Ghafoor, Raymond A. Paul ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-05)

- The growing reliance on commercial off-the-shelf components for large-scale projects emphasizes the need for adequate metrics to quantify component quality.

Providing Automated Support for the GQM Measurement Process ( Luigi Lavazza ; IEEE Software Magazine 2000-05)

- Automating support for the Goal Question Metrics process can cut data collection costs by exploiting data available in configuration management systems as well as data supplied by code analyzers. The author introduces a tool designed for this purpose and reviews its development and application in industry.

Aligning Strategic and Project Measurement Systems ( Shirley A. Becker, Mitchell L. Bostelman ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-05)

- Often the technical and business sectors of IT organizations work in opposition, toward different goals and objectives. The authors propose a method that integrates strategic and project measurement systems, supporting long-term growth, stability, and competitiveness.

Making Sense of Measurement for Small Organizations ( Karlheinz Kautz ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-03)

- The key to successful measurement programs is to make the metrics meaningful and tailor them to the organization—however small it might be. Here the author explains how he helped three small companies reduce the time spent handling change requests, correcting errors, and generating system versions and production releases. Both the developers and customers appreciated the improved practices.

Metrics for Small Projects: Experiences at the SED ( Ross Grable, Jacquelyn Jernigan, Casey Pogue, Dale Divis ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-03)

- An organized, comprehensive metrics program can bring order to the chaos of small-project management and form the foundation for a concerted process improvement effort. The authors describe their experience in applying metrics to one such US Army organization.

The Role of Object-Oriented Metrics ( Bertrand Meyer ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1998-11)

Adopting GQM-Based Measurement in an Industrial Environment ( Frank van Latum, Rini van Solingen, Markku Oivo, Barbara Hoisl, Dieter Rombach, Günther Ruhe ; IEEE Software Magazine 1998-01)

- Schlumberger RPS integrated the Goal/Question/Metric approach into their existing measurement programs to improve their program performance. Key to their success was the use of feedback sessions as a forum to analyze and interpret measurement data.

Implementing Effective Software Metrics Programs ( Tracy Hall, Norman Fenton ; IEEE Software Magazine 1997-03)

- Increasingly, organizations are foregoing an ad hoc approach to metrics in favor of complete metrics programs. The authors identify consensus requirements for metric program success and examine how programs in two organizations measured up.

Establishing Software Measurement Programs ( Raymond J. Offen, Ross Jeffery ; IEEE Software Magazine 1997-03)

- In seeking to improve software, companies are finding out how much is involved in measuring it. They are also learning that the more integral software measurement is to the company's underlying business strategy, the more likely it is to succeed.

Assessing Measurement ( Shari Lawrence Pfleeger ; IEEE Software Magazine 1997-03)

Status Report on Software Measurement ( Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Ross Jeffery, Bill Curtis, Barbara Kitchenham ; IEEE Software Magazine 1997-03)

- The most successful measurement programs are ones in which researcher, practitioner, and customer work hand in hand to meet goals and solve problems. But such collaboration is rare. The authors explore the gaps between these groups and point toward ways to bridge them.

Counterpoint: The Problem with Function Points ( Barbara Kitchenham ; IEEE Software Magazine 1997-03)

Challenges in Metrics and Measurement for Computer-Based Systems ( Lonnie R. Welch, William Farr, Minoru Uehara ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1997-01)

Usability Metrics: Tracking Interface Improvements ( Jakob Nielsen ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-11)

- Tools, techniques, and concepts to optimize user interfaces.

Emerald: Software Metrics and Models on the Desktop ( John P. Hudepohl, Stephen J. Aud, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Edward B. Allen, Jean Mayrand ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-09)

Software Metrics: Good, Bad and Missing ( ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-09)

- The software industry is an embarrassment when it comes to measurement and metrics. Many software managers and practitioners, including tenured academics in software engineering and computer science, seem to know little or nothing about these topics. Many of the measurements found in the software literature are not used with enough precision to replicate the author's findings-a canon of scientific writing in other fields. Several of the most widely used software metrics have been proved unworkable, yet they continue to show up in books, encyclopedias, and refereed journals. So long as these invalid metrics are used carelessly, there can be no true software engineering, only a kind of amateurish craft that uses rough approximations instead of precise measurement. The paper considers three significant and widely used software metrics that are invalid under various conditions: lines of code or LOC metrics, software science or Halstead metrics, and the cost-per-defect metric. Fortunately, two metrics that actually generate useful information-complexity metrics and function-point metrics-are growing in use and importance.

(Partial list shown.)
[Complete List of Articles]

Applications and Utilities: Showing

metrics - Tools for generating software metrics {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at ISC
ftp://ftp.uu.net/usenet/comp.sources.unix/volume20/ (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)

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