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caller EXPR
Returns the context of the current subroutine call. In a scalar context,
returns the caller's package name if there is a caller, that is, if we're
in a subroutine or eval() or require(), and the
undefined value otherwise. In a list context, returns
($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
EXPR, it returns some extra information that the debugger uses to print a stack trace. The value of
EXPR indicates how many call frames to go back before the current one.
($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine,
$hasargs, $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require) = caller($i);
Here $subroutine may be "(eval)" if the frame is not a subroutine call, but an eval. In such a case additional elements $evaltext and
$is_require are set: $is_require is true if the
frame is created by a
require or use statement, $evaltext contains the text of the
eval EXPR statement. In particular, for a eval BLOCK statement, $filename is "(eval)" , but $evaltext is undefined. (Note also that each use statement creates a require frame inside an eval EXPR ) frame.
Furthermore, when called from within the
DB package, caller returns more detailed information:
it sets the list variable @DB::args to be the arguments with which the
subroutine was invoked.
Source: Perl builtin functions Copyright: Larry Wall, et al. |
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