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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD

KADMIN(8)                                               KADMIN(8)

       kadmin - network utility for Kerberos database administra-

       kadmin [-u user] [-r default_realm] [-m]

       This utility provides a unified  administration  interface
       to  the Kerberos master database.  Kerberos administrators
       use kadmin to register new users and services to the  mas-
       ter  database,  and  to  change information about existing
       database entries.  For instance, an administrator can  use
       kadmin  to  change a user's Kerberos password.  A Kerberos
       administrator is a user with an ``admin''  instance  whose
       name  appears on one of the Kerberos administration access
       control lists.  If the -u option is  used,  user  will  be
       used  as  the administrator instead of the local user.  If
       the -r option is used, default_realm will be used  as  the
       default  realm  for  transactions.   Otherwise,  the local
       realm will be used by default.  If the -m option is  used,
       multiple  requests  will be permitted on only one entry of
       the admin password.  Some sites won't support this option.

       The  kadmin program communicates over the network with the
       kadmind program, which runs on  the  machine  housing  the
       Kerberos master database.  The kadmind creates new entries
       and makes modifications to the database.

       When you enter the kadmin command, the program displays  a
       message  that  welcomes  you  and  explains how to ask for
       help.  Then kadmin waits for you to enter commands  (which
       are  described  below).   It  then asks you for your admin
       password before accessing the database.

       Use the add_new_key (or ank for short) command to register
       a  new  principal  with  the master database.  The command
       requires one argument, the  principal's  name.   The  name
       given   can   be   fully   qualified  using  the  standard
       name.instance@realm convention.  You are  asked  to  enter
       your  admin  password,  then  prompted  twice to enter the
       principal's new password.  If no realm is  specified,  the
       local  realm  is used unless another was given on the com-
       mandline with the -r flag.  If no instance is specified, a
       null  instance is used.  If a realm other than the default
       realm is specified, you will need  to  supply  your  admin
       password for the other realm.

       Use the change_password (cpw) to change a principal's Ker-
       beros password.  The command requires  one  argument,  the
       principal's name.  You are asked to enter your admin pass-
       word, then prompted twice to  enter  the  principal's  new
       password.  The name given can be fully qualified using the
       standard name.instance@realm convention.

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0                     1

KADMIN(8)                                               KADMIN(8)

       Use the change_admin_password (cap) to change  your  admin
       instance  password.   This  command requires no arguments.
       It prompts you for your old admin password,  then  prompts
       you  twice  to  enter  the new admin password.  If this is
       your first command, the default realm is used.  Otherwise,
       the realm used in the last command is used.

       Use  the  destroy_tickets  (dest)  command to destroy your
       admin tickets explicitly.

       Use the list_requests (lr) command to get a list of possi-
       ble commands.

       Use the help command to display kadmin's various help mes-
       sages.  If entered without an argument,  help  displays  a
       general help message.  You can get detailed information on
       specific kadmin commands by entering help command_name.

       To quit the program, type quit.

       The user interface is primitive,  and  the  command  names
       could be better.

       kerberos(1), kadmind(8), kpasswd(1), ksrvutil(8)
       ``A Subsystem Utilities Package for UNIX'' by Ken Raeburn

       Jeffrey I. Schiller, MIT Project Athena
       Emanuel Jay Berkenbilt, MIT Project Athena

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0                     2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for kadmin(8)
OpenBSD sources for kadmin(8)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Kerberos authentication

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD

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