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BOOT_X68K(8)  OpenBSD System Manager's Manual (X68K Architecture) BOOT_X68K(8)

     boot - system bootstrapping procedures

     Power fail and crash recovery. Normally, the system will reboot itself at
     power-up or after crashes.  An automatic consistency check of the file
     systems will be performed, and unless this fails, the system will resume
     multi-user operations.

     Cold starts. The X68000/X68030 system boots from the device which is de-
     termined by the configuration of battery-backuped SRAM.  By default, the
     boot rom attempt to boot from floppy disk drive (from 0 to 3) first, and
     then attempt to boot from hard disk (SASI or SCSI).  On the OpenBSD/X68k,
     booting from partition A of SCSI disks (sd?a) and 2HD floppy disks (fd?a,
     fd?c) is currently supported.

     First, the initial program loader of IOCS ROM or SCSI disk (or equiva-
     lent) reads boot program at the top of the disk, and then the boot pro-
     gram loads the OpenBSD kernel /bsd which is in the same partition of the
     disk.  If you press [SHIFT] key when booting, the boot program enables
     you to change boot flag RB_SINGLE with the [SHIFT] key, and to choose
     which kernel to be used with arrow keys.  If the LED of [HIRAGANA] key is
     turned on, the boot program adds RB_KDB flag and tries to boot the system
     in debug mode; see ddb(8) for details.

     Note for X68030+MC68030 systems: Nothing special to be attended to; you
     can boot OpenBSD just like as other operating systems such as Human68k
     and OS-9.

     Note for X68030/040turbo(68040 accelerator by BEEPs) systems: OpenBSD can
     boot under 040 mode.  It can also boot under 030 mode if you have MC68030
     on the board.

     Note for X68000/Xellent30(68030 accelerator by TSR)+MC68030 systems: In
     order to boot OpenBSD, you must choose 030 mode by using CH30.SYS, which
     must reside in the battery-backuped SRAM.

     Note for X68000/Jupiter-X(68040/060 accelerator by FTZ-net) systems: The
     system must be in 040/060 processor mode.

     /bsd                system code
     /usr/mdec/xxboot    boot program, xx is disk type

     reboot(2),  disklabel(8),  halt(8),  reboot(8),  shutdown(8)

OpenBSD 2.3                      Jun 16, 1996                                1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

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