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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD Others

GETTTYENT(3)              OpenBSD Programmer's Manual             GETTTYENT(3)

     getttyent, getttynam, setttyent, endttyent - get ttys file entry

     #include <ttyent.h>

     struct ttyent *

     struct ttyent *
     getttynam(const char *name);



     The getttyent() and getttynam() functions each return a pointer to an ob-
     ject, with the following structure, containing the broken-out fields of a
     line from the tty description file.

     struct ttyent {
             char    *ty_name;       /* terminal device name */
             char    *ty_getty;      /* command to execute */
             char    *ty_type;       /* terminal type */
     #define TTY_ON          0x01    /* enable logins */
     #define TTY_SECURE      0x02    /* allow uid of 0 to login */
     #define TTY_LOCAL       0x04    /* set 'CLOCAL' on open (dev. specific) */
     #define TTY_RTSCTS      0x08    /* set 'CRTSCTS' on open (dev. specific) */
     #define TTY_SOFTCAR     0x10    /* ignore hardware carrier (dev. spec.) */
     #define TTY_MDMBUF      0x20    /* set 'MDMBUF' on open (dev. specific) */
             int     ty_status;      /* flag values */
             char    *ty_window;     /* command for window manager */
             char    *ty_comment;    /* comment field */

     The fields are as follows:

     ty_name     Name of the character-special file.

     ty_getty    Name of the command invoked by init(8) to initialize tty line

     ty_type     Name of the default terminal type connected to this tty line.

     ty_status   A mask of bit fields which indicate various actions allowed
                 on this tty line.  The possible flags are as follows:

                 TTY_ON       Enables logins (i.e., init(8) will start the
                              command referenced by ty_getty on this entry).

                 TTY_SECURE   Allow users with a UID of 0 to login on this

                 TTY_LOCAL    If the terminal port's driver supports it, cause
                              the line to be treated as ``local''.

                 TTY_MDMBUF   If the terminal port's driver supports it, use
                              DTR/DCD hardware flow control on the line by de-


                 TTY_RTSCTS   If the terminal port's driver supports it, use
                              full-duplex RTS/CTS hardware flow control on the
                              line by default.

                 TTY_SOFTCAR  If the terminal port's driver supports it, ig-
                              nore hardware carrier on the line.

     ty_window   Command to execute for a window system associated with the

     ty_comment  Any trailing comment field, with any leading hash marks (`#')
                 or whitespace removed.

     If any of the fields pointing to character strings are unspecified, they
     are returned as null pointers.  The field ty_status will be zero if no
     flag values are specified.

     See ttys(5) for a more complete discussion of the meaning and usage of
     the fields.

     The getttyent() function reads the next line from the ttys file, opening
     the file if necessary.  setttyent() rewinds the file if open, or opens
     the file if it is unopened.  endttyent() closes any open files.

     getttynam() searches from the beginning of the file until a matching name
     is found (or until EOF is encountered).

     The routines getttyent() and getttynam() return a null pointer on EOF or
     error.  The setttyent() function and endttyent() return 0 on failure or 1
     on success.


     login(1),  ttyslot(3),  gettytab(5),  termcap(5),  ttys(5),  getty(8),
     init(8),  ttyflags(8)

     The getttyent(), getttynam(), setttyent(), and endttyent() functions ap-
     peared in 4.3BSD.

     These functions use static data storage; if the data is needed for future
     use, it should be copied before any subsequent calls overwrite it.

OpenBSD 2.6                      June 4, 1993                                2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for getttyent(3) functions
OpenBSD sources for getttyent(3)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Terminal I/O - low-level character based display (TTY) and keyboard routines.

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD Others

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