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VIS(1) OpenBSD Reference Manual VIS(1)
vis - display non-printable characters in a visual format
vis [-cbflnostw] [-F foldwidth] [file ...]
vis is a filter for converting non-printable characters into a visual
representation. It differs from `cat -v' in that the form is unique and
invertible. By default, all non-graphic characters except space, tab,
and newline are encoded. A detailed description of the various visual
formats is given in vis(3).
The options are as follows:
-b Turns off prepending of backslash before up-arrow control se-
quences and meta-characters, and disables the doubling of back-
slashes. This produces output which is neither invertible nor
precise, but does represent a minimum of change to the input. It
is similar to ``cat -v''.
-c Request a format which displays a small subset of the non-print-
able characters using C-style backslash sequences.
-F Causes vis to fold output lines to foldwidth columns (default
80), like fold(1), except that a hidden newline sequence is
used, (which is removed when inverting the file back to its orig-
inal form with unvis(1)). If the last character in the encoded
file does not end in a newline, a hidden newline sequence is ap-
pended to the output. This makes the output usable with various
editors and other utilities which typically don't work with par-
tial lines.
-f Same as -F.
-l Mark newlines with the visible sequence `\$', followed by the
-n Turns off any encoding, except for the fact that backslashes are
still doubled and hidden newline sequences inserted if -f or -F
is selected. When combined with the -f flag, vis becomes like an
invertible version of the fold(1) utility. That is, the output
can be unfolded by running the output through unvis(1).
-o Request a format which displays non-printable characters as an
octal number, \ddd.
-s Only characters considered unsafe to send to a terminal are en-
coded. This flag allows backspace, bell, and carriage return in
addition to the default space, tab and newline.
-t Tabs are also encoded.
-w White space (space-tab-newline) is also encoded.
unvis(1), vis(3)
The vis command appeared in 4.4BSD.
OpenBSD 2.6 April 19, 1994 1
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
![[Detailed Topics]](/inbndsm.gif) FreeBSD Sources for vis(1) OpenBSD sources for vis(1)
![[Overview Topics]](/outbndsm.gif)
Up to: File filtering and processing - Methods of filtering and processing files. (character translation, comparison, search, sort, word counts, etc.)
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