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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD NetBSD

MSET(1)                    OpenBSD Reference Manual                    MSET(1)

     mset - retrieve ASCII to IBM 3270 keyboard map

     mset [-picky] [-shell] [keyboardname]

     Mset retrieves mapping information for the ASCII keyboard to IBM 3270
     terminal special functions.  Normally, these mappings are found in
     /usr/share/misc/map3270 (see map3270(5)).  This information is used by
     the tn3270 command (see tn3270(1)).

     The default mset output can be used to store the mapping information in
     the process environment in order to avoid scanning map3270 each time
     tn3270 is invoked.  To do this, place the following command in your
     .login file:

           set noglob; setenv MAP3270 "`mset`"; unset noglob

     If the keyboardname argument is not supplied, mset attempts to determine
     the name of the keyboard the user is using, by checking the KEYBD envi-
     ronment variable.  If the KEYBD environment variable is not set, then
     mset uses the user's terminal type from the environment variable TERM as
     the keyboard name.  Normally, mset then uses the file map3270(5) to find
     the keyboard mapping for that terminal.  However, if the environment
     variable MAP3270 exists and contains the entry for the specified key-
     board, then that definition is used.  If the value of MAP3270 begins with
     a slash (`/') then it is assumed to be the full pathname of an alternate
     mapping file and that file is searched first.  In any case, if the map-
     ping for the keyboard is not found in the environment, nor in an alter-
     nate map file, nor in the standard map file, then the same search is per-
     formed for an entry for a keyboard with the name unknown. If that search
     also fails, then a default mapping is used.

     The arguments to mset are:

     -picky      When processing the various map3270 entries (for the user's
                 keyboard, and all those encountered before the one for the
                 user's keyboard), mset normally will not complain about en-
                 tries for unknown functions (like ``PFX1''); the -picky argu-
                 ment causes mset to issue warning messages about these un-
                 known entries.

     -shell      If the map3270 entry is longer than the shell's 1024 environ-
                 ment variable length limit, the default mset output cannot be
                 used to store the mapping information in the process environ-
                 ment to avoid scanning map3270 each time tn3270 is invoked.
                 The -shell argument causes mset to generate shell commands to
                 set the environment variables MAP3270, MAP3270A, and so on,
                 breaking up the entry to fit within the shell environment
                 variable length limit.  To set these variables, place the
                 following command in your .login file:

                       mset -shell > tmp ; source tmp ; /bin/rm tmp

                 When searching for the map3270 entry that matches the user's
                 keyboard, mset will use keyboardname instead of determining
                 the keyboard name from the KEYBD or TERM environment vari-


     /usr/share/misc/map3270  keyboard mapping for known keyboards

     tn3270(1),  map3270(5)

     The mset command appeared in 4.3BSD.

OpenBSD 2.6                      July 27, 1991                               2

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for mset(1)
OpenBSD sources for mset(1)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Terminal I/O - low-level character based display (TTY) and keyboard routines.

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD NetBSD

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