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RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD RedHat Solaris Others

MAILQ(1)                   OpenBSD Reference Manual                   MAILQ(1)

     mailq - print the mail queue

     mailq [-v]

     Mailq prints a summary of the mail messages queued for future delivery.

     The first line printed for each message shows the internal identifier
     used on this host for the message, the size of the message in bytes, the
     date and time the message was accepted into the queue, and the envelope
     sender of the message.  The second line shows the error message that
     caused this message to be retained in the queue; it will not be present
     if the message is being processed for the first time.  The following
     lines show message recipients, one per line.

     Mailq is identical to ``sendmail -bp''.

     The options are as follows:

     -v      Print verbose information.  This adds the priority of the message
             and a single character indicator (``+'' or blank) indicating
             whether a warning message has been sent on the first line of the
             message.  Additionally, extra lines may be intermixed with the
             recipients indicating the ``controlling user'' information; this
             shows who will own any programs that are executed on behalf of
             this message and the name of the alias this command expanded
             from, if any.

     The mailq utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

     mailer.conf(5),  sendmail(8)

     The mailq command appeared in 4.0BSD.

OpenBSD 2.6                      May 19, 1998                                1

Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY
SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others.

(Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)

[Detailed Topics]
FreeBSD Sources for mailq(1)
OpenBSD sources for mailq(1)

[Overview Topics]

Up to: Email Server and Transport Agents - Electronic mail servers including delivery, routing, and transfer agents (MTAs), protocols (SMTP, POP, IMAP, -

RocketLink!--> Man page versions: OpenBSD FreeBSD NetBSD RedHat Solaris Others

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